Einfach mal kündigen?

Wollt ihr wissen, wie man auch im Alter von 30 Jahren andere Menschen immer noch sprachlos machen kann? Man erzählt ihnen, dass man gekündigt hat. Und, ganz wichtig: Nicht weil man bei der aktuellen Stelle extrem gemobbt wird oder unhaltbare Zustände erlebt, sondern einfach weil es nicht passt. Das ist aus meiner Sicht ein extrem guter Grund, zu kündigen. Leider machen das viel zu wenige, weil eine sehr diffuse Angst sie daran hindert.

Am Anfang war eine Erkenntnis

Bei mir war es so, dass ich irgendwann feststellte, dass das Gesamtpaket nicht mehr stimmte: Der lange Anfahrtsweg zum Job, die Stadt, in der ich mich nicht wohlfühlte, die wenige Freizeit … Relativ ungünstig war die Tatsache, dass diese Erkenntnis tatsächlich recht schnell nach dem Beginn in einem ansonsten recht guten Job aufkam. Ich wartete ab, ob dieser Gedanke nach einer Veränderung nur eine Phase war, aber dem war nicht so. Nach meinem Urlaub, in dem ich zwei Wochen lang Freunde und Familie besucht und meine Freiheit genossen habe, macht es mich echt fertig, wieder zur Arbeit zu müssen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wartete ich schon mehrere Monate auf einen passenden Zeitpunkt für die Kündigung, ohne in meinem Job allzu großes Chaos zu hinterlassen. Als dann alles passte, machte ich Nägel mit Köpfen und kündigte, ohne einen neuen Job zu haben. „Einfach mal kündigen?“ weiterlesen

Link- und Medienliste: Schöne neue Arbeitswelt

Letztes Update: 14.10.2017

Mit der Arbeitswelt in unserer Gesellschaft steht’s nicht zum Besten. Das merkt auch die Buchbranche – Stichwörter: Gender Gap, Nachwuchs-Ausbeutung, befristete Verträge, Mikro-Honorare, einseitige Flexibilisierung (nämlich nur auf dem Überstundenkonto), Zeitarbeit, Automatisierung und „Rationalisierung“.

Viele kluge Menschen schreiben das Internet voll mit klugen Sachen über Arbeit. Damit die nicht einfach so verloren gehen, gibt es hier eine (zukünftig wohl sehr lange!) Liste mit Links zu diesen Dokumenten oder auch zu Quellen, die regelmäßig über „Arbeiten im 21. Jahrhundert“ schreiben. Wenn Klassiker fehlen oder ich etwas Neues nicht mitbekomme: Immer her damit 🙂

Anleitung: In ruhigen Minuten oder bei großer Frustration über den aktuellen Job einfach mal ein bisschen schmökern. (Bevorzugt während der Arbeitszeit.)

„Link- und Medienliste: Schöne neue Arbeitswelt“ weiterlesen

Echte Fans und echte Ausbrecher: Ein Interview mit Chris Guillebeau zu #bornforthisbook

Chris Guillebeau ist Entrepreneur, NYT-Bestseller-Autor, Weltreisender (er hat alle Länder der Erde besucht). Am 5. April erscheint sein neues Buch „Born for this“ auf Englisch bei Crown Business. Über eine deutschsprachige Version geht es auch im Interview. Deutsche Ausgaben von Chris‘ Büchern erscheinen unter anderem bei meinem alten Arbeitgeber mvg-Verlag („Die Kunst, anders zu leben„).

418-K2XHl8L._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_Who exactly needs this book – and why do they need it? Who did you have in mind when you wrote „Born for This“ – freelancers, employees wishing to break free, entrepreneurs?

This book is for anyone who wants to “level up” — to make a massive difference in their life and work. As I mention in the introduction, if your job sucks, gaining the right to leave early one Friday a month won’t help. If you’re in debt or need more money, a 4% raise won’t do it.

The goal is to help people gain the tools and resources they need to thrive in their careers, whether by working for themselves or as part of a larger company or organization.


What’s the one message every reader should get after reading the book?

Most successful people make active choices, not passive ones. Sure, there’s more than one path you can go down—but the more you learn about yourself and apply those lessons to your job search or business-building plan, the better off you will be.

One of the most interesting ideas in the book is, that we are all more or less self-employed, especially in times of uncertain jobs, the „working poor“ and non-linear career paths. What’s the single most important skill people should have, get or train these days, in your opinion?

In the book I make the distinction between “hard skills” (what you learn in school) and “soft skills” (what’s needed to stand out in the workplace). People often focus on improving their hard skills, like learning new software or gaining a particular certification, but it’s just as important to build up your soft skills.

The art of follow-through is especially important—learn to be that person everyone trusts to see something through. When you say you’re going to do something, make sure you actually do.

How do you choose your partners in business – for example, why did you publish your book with Crown Business? How do you choose assistants, editors and co-founders for your ideas?

I’m not necessarily that strategic. I work with a very small group of people—fewer than 10 on a regular basis. Of course, the community is much larger, but those are the ones I work with consistently and every day. Crown Business has been a strong partner for years and in the U.S. at least, I think they’re the best at what they do. My assistant got the job after she volunteered to complete a menial task for free. She did a great job on it and so I said … “Want to do more and actually get paid?”

A similar question: Someone comes to you and asks: „I’m past 50 now and still wasn’t able to do anything with my life but sell my time and energy to an employer, is there still hope?“ – What do you say?

There are a lot of people in my community who are facing that situation. So the first thing I’d say is “You are not alone.” Having a “second act” can be very powerful. Past age 50, you may feel that you don’t have the technological skills of a younger generation. But these are things that anyone can learn. What you do have is life experience and wisdom. Your goal is to transfer that experience and wisdom into the second act.

You recruited a small army of your own to help promote the book, your „street team“. What qualifies people for this quest – and what do you expect from them?

I’m not sure it’s a proper “quest”—mostly I just need help! My books have been successful in the past not because of some big marketing effort, but because regular people have told others about them. I always want people to take action on the ideas in my books, not just read them for entertainment. So the Street Team is critical to that effort.

Are you going to come to Europe, and especially relevant to the readers or „Alles fließt“: will there be a German edition of #BornforthisBook?

Absolutely! I don’t know the timing yet but there will definitely be a German version and I’d love to tour in Europe to meet readers. As soon as I have dates, we’ll post them on BornforThisBook.com.

Header foto: Chris Guillebeau @Flickr

Noch 10 Tage teilnehmen! JVM-Umfrage zum Nachwuchs

Wer es vor lauter Weihnachtsstress übersehen oder noch nicht geschafft hat, hat noch bis zum 31. Januar die Gelegenheit, an der Umfrage der Jungen Verlagsmenschen zu den Arbeitsbedingungen der Brancheneinsteiger teilzunehmen.


Wenn ihr in der Buchbranche arbeitet oder gearbeitet habt, nehmt bitte teil und verbreitet die Umfrage weiter! Es ist wichtig, dass wir bei den ganzen Diskussionen um Bedingungen, Mindestlohn etc. endlich mal mit belastbaren Zahlen argumentieren können.

Sobald Ergebnisse vorliegen, berichten wir natürlich auch hier darüber.


photo credit: Threat to Democracy via photopin cc

„How to work tomorrow?“ – Kurzinterview mit Peter Sorgenfrei, CEO Somewhere

ist ein Social Network, das sich wie LinkedIn oder Xing auf die Vermittlung von Arbeit konzentriert – das dabei aber einen anderen Ansatz verfolgt. Ich habe Peter Sorgenfrei, CEO von Somewhere, interviewt. Viel Vergnügen mit seinen Einsichten!

Q: Let’s start with a simple question you can answer best: What is Somewhere? 

A: Somewhere is a platform for individuals to share their work. A place to talk about the what, how and why of the thing we do that is called work. People do that by answering questions (we call them Provocations) about work or by just sharing freely when inspiration hits. Companies use Somewhere to illustrate their culture through their people and thereby attracting new talent and new business. 

Q: When did you start, what did you accomplish since – and where’s still work to do? 

A: We have been going since the beginning of 2014 and like many startups have gone through a number of iterations of the service. We have managed to find a way to engage thousands of people daily and we are getting pretty good at understanding our community and what they need from us. There is still a lot of work to do. A lot! We want to be better on mobile, we want video and audio integrated, we want more companies to use our tools and we want to grow the community to be more diverse. 

Q: What’s going to come next – will you feature preview pics for shared content or something similar? 

A: We are constantly building new features, we recently launched visual emails with Sparks in them and soon we will have better weekly updates ready. Then – there is a lot of stuff behind the scenes we are not yet ready to talk about. 

Q: In all honesty: What is the success rate for bringing seekers of work and seekers of workers? And do you have some stories to illustrate? 

A: We’ve found all our team on Somewhere as an example. We are just starting to allow companies to seek employees – it seems to be working, numbers wise it is too early to tell. 

Q: What is wrong in the way we work today? Can Somewhere improve the situation?

A: I’m not sure something is wrong per se – but the way companies organize work seem to fit less and less with the way people live. 

Most companies want you to work in one location, at certain hours, with one team and with one boss. 

Most people these days can (and want to) work from different locations, at hours that might not be standard, with multiple people and teams and reporting to themselves and to different people pending the situation. I’ve long believed that work is a series of projects. It used to be that you would work for one company for 10-15 years and then maybe another one for that long too. Now we work on a project e.g. you work in marketing for Siemens for two years and then you leave and you work for Henkel for a few years and then you end up with say VW for a few years and so on. And within those jobs you probably have sub projects. 

Somewhere makes it easier to find people that work like that, companies that work like that and thus enables and accommodates this new style of working. 

Q: For our readers, it might be interesting how you plan to expand to other markets like Germany. You’ve already got quite a lot international users – but do you plan a Berlin office for example? 

A: We actually started in Berlin and just recently decided to close that office and move the business to London. Germany is still in our top 5 markets actually. I think our first international office will be in the US. Where we go after that, I do not know at this point. 

Q: Where can new users best get started on Somewhere? 

A: As part of the onboarding process when you sign up we ask you to answer three Provocations. The best way to get started is there, then keep exploring the Provocations and perhaps search for people and companies that share your interest. We have found that when users engage each other they are much more likely to find new Opportunities. Not really that surprising since that is what happens in the offline world as well. 

A: either email hello@somewhere.com or contact any of us on Somewhere

Thanks again for your time!